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Foxx Lab R package

foxxlab is an R package providing a library of datasets from the Foxx Disrupting Ecology Lab, ranging from plant ecology to social science topics.

Currently, foxxlab offers a variety of datastes including meta-analysis datasets to promote open science and serve as training materials for visualizations and analyses including meta-analyses.

Shiny app helper for literature screening

Shiny app file here that helps merge multiple WOS files and allows for screening of titles and abstracts with a read aloud funtion with the ability to change reading speed and to stop reading abstracts.

Free and low-cost journals in ecology and evolution+

I assembled a non-exhaustive list of free and low-cost journals in ecology and evolution+ here. Some journals don't make this information easy to find

Here is a paper here with SI on free journals in microbiome research that also provide fee waivers for scientists from low- and middle-income countries.

Please email me if you'd like to provide an addition at afoxx[@]